Switching in Computer Network Tutorial Study Notes with Examples Switching Whenever, we have multiple devices we have a problem of how to connect them to make one-to-one communication possible. Two solutions could be  like as given below Install a point-to-point connection between each pair of devices (Impractical and wasteful approach whenContinue Reading

Computer Network Tutorial Study Notes for Beginners with Examples  Computer Network A collection of computers (or computer like devices) that are able to communicate with each other through some medium, using hardware and software. Two computers (or computer like devices) are said to be connected, if they are able toContinue Reading

Memory Management in Operating System Tutorial Notes with Examples Memory Management memory management techniques allow several processes to share memory. When several processes are in memory they can share the CPU  thus increasing CPU utilization.  Overlays This techniques allow to keep in memory only those instructions and data Which are required at given time.Continue Reading

Deadlock in Operating System Tutorial Notes Study Material with Example Deadlock In a multiprogramming environment, a situation when permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or of communication with each other happens, we can call this as deadlock situation. This deadlock problem involves conflictingContinue Reading

Scheduling Algorithm in Operating System Study Notes with Examples Schedulers A process migrates among various scheduling queues throughout its lifetime. The OS must select for scheduling purposes, processes from these queues in some fashion. The selection process is carried out by the appropriate scheduler. Long Term and Short Term SchedulersContinue Reading