BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2018

BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2018

BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2018 :- 

BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2019
BBA Indian Economy Question Paper 2019

B.B.A Examination, june 2018

Indian Economy


Time : Three Hours]                                                                                  [Maximum Marks : 75

Section-A(BBA Question Paper 2017)

(Very Short Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt all five questions. Each question carries three marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 Words.                (3 x 5 = 15)

1. Define the term economic growth.

2. Defihe the term productivity.

3. What do you mean by economic planning?

4. Explain the term industrial sickness.

5. What do you mean by financial institutions?

Section-B (BBA Question Paper)

(Short Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.  (7.5 x 2 = 15)

6 . “India is a rich country”, Explain.

7. Explain the problems of cotton textile industry in India.

8. Differentiate between co-operative and collective farming.

Section-C (BBA Mock Paper)

(Detailed Answer Questions)

Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.               (15 x 3 = 45)

9. What is economic growth and development? How these differ from each other?

10. Explain population policy of India.

11. What do you mean by economic planning? Explain the need of economic planning in India.

12. “The key to economic development lies in agriculture development in India”. Comment.

13. What is the present status of sugar industry ‘in India? Write the problems faced by this industry and also suggest measures to solve these problems.

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Montey Parjapati



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