Variable Scope in Compiler Design Tutorial with Examples Variable Scope The scope rules of the language determine, which declaration of a name applies when the name appears in the program. An occurrence of a variable is local, if that occurrence is in the same procedure in which that name is declared andContinue Reading

Control Stack in Compiler Design Tutorial Control Stack The flow of the control in a program corresponds to a depth first traversal f the activation tree that Starts at the root, Visits a node before its children, Recursively visits children at each node and a left-to-right order. A slack calledContinue Reading

Activation Tree in Compiler Design Tutorial with Examples Activation Tree We can create a tree (known as activation tree) to show the way control enters and leaves activation. In an activation tree Each node represents an activation of a procedure. The root represents the activation of the main program. TheContinue Reading

Syntax Directed Translation in Compiler Design Tutorial with Examples Syntax Directed Translation Grammar symbols are associated with attributes to associate information with the programming language constructs that they represent. Values of these attributes are evaluated by the semantic rules associated with the production rules. Evaluation of the semantic rules are asContinue Reading

Compiler Design Tutorial Notes Study Material with Examples Compiler Design Compiler A compiler is a program written in one language (i.e., source language) and translate it into an equivalent program in a target language. This translation process could also report the errors in the source system, if any. Major PartsContinue Reading

RSA Algorithm in Cryptography and Network Security Tutorial RSA Algorithm RSA is an algorithm for public key cryptography RSA (RIvest Shamir Adleman) Algorithm was publicly described in 1977. Mathematical Background of RSA Algorithm  Extended Euclidean algorithm Given x, find y, such that x.y=1 mod m. The extended Euclidean algorithm can efficiently findContinue Reading