BBA 2nd Sem Industries in Indian Economy Notes BBA 2nd Sem Industries in Indian Economy Notes :–      Short Question Answer    Q. 1. Explain the importance of SSI and cottage industries in Indian economy.  Ans. Importance or Need of Small Scale and Cottage Industries in Indian Economy .Continue Reading

BBA MBA Indian Economy Important Developments Notes BBA MBA Indian Economy Important Developments Notes :-     Long Questions Answer Q. 1. Explain the role of agriculture in an under-developed country like India. Or “The key to economic development lies in agricultural development in India.” Examine this statement. Ans. IndianContinue Reading

BBA 2nd Sem. Increase National Income Indian Economy Notes BBA 2nd Sem. Increase National Income Indian Economy Notes :-   Section-B  Q. 1. How can national income and per capita income be increased? Ans.  Suggestions to Increase National Income and Per Capita Income Population growth shouldibe checked effectively. small scale andContinue Reading

BBA 2nd Sem. Characteristics of Indian Economy    BBA 2nd Sem. Characteristics of Indian Economy :-  Q. 11. What are the basic benefits or suggestions provided in the field of irrigation and energy sector in eleventh five year plan ? Ans. Irrigation : Only about 37% of the net sownContinue Reading

BBA Indian Economy Notes Planning Commission BBA Indian Economy Notes Planning Commission :-  Q.6. “Five year plans in India are caught in dilemmas.” In the light of this Statement, discuss the achievements and failures of planning in India. Or What are the main objectives of economic planning in India? HowContinue Reading

BBA Indian Economy Notes Long Answer Type Question BBA Indian Economy Notes Long Answer Type Question:-    Long Answer Questions   Montey Parjapati Q. 1. What do you mean by economic planning? Explain the need of economic planning in India. Or Explain the meaning and objectives of economic planning withContinue Reading

BBA MBA Indian Economy Notes Short Type Question BBA MBA Indian Economy Notes Short Type Question :-    Short Answer Type Question Answer   Q. 1. State the meaning and characteristics of economic planning. Ans. Economic Planning : Economic planning means the well organised utilisation of available physical, material and humanContinue Reading

 Indian Economy Notes Short Type Question Answer  Indian Economy Notes Short Type Question Answer :-    Indian Economy Q. 1. What were the objectives of first five year plan? Ans. First Five Year Plan (1951-56) : First five year plan was launched on 1st April, 1951. It continued till 31stContinue Reading

BBA 2nd Sem. Indian Economy top 5 Question For Exam BBA 2nd Sem. Indian Economy top 5 Question For Exam :-    Q. 1. Give an estimate of water resources in India. Also explain the problems of water resources. Or Write an essay on water resources in India. Ans. WaterContinue Reading

BBA 2nd Year Indian Economy Exam Question BBA 2nd Year Indian Economy Exam Question :–   Q. 1. What are the efforts made by government of India to alleviate poverty and unemployment? Ans. The size of employment in any country depends to a great extent on the level of development.Continue Reading