BBA Environmental Studies AIDS Human Rights Notes

BBA Environmental Studies AIDS Human Rights Notes BBA Environmental Studies AIDS Human Rights Notes :- Q. 1. Write an essay on human rights. Ans. Human Rights : In order to provide uniform rights and independence established a human rights commission under the presidentship of Mrs. Roosvelt. UN general council on 10thContinue Reading

Environmental studies Pollution Notes in Pdf Environmental studies Pollution Notes in Pdf :-   Q. 1. Define pollution and describe air pollution in detail. Ans.                        POLLUTION Pollution may be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biologicalContinue Reading

BBA Environmental Studies Notes Biogeographical Regons in India BBA Environmental Studies Notes Biogeographical Regons in India :-   Q. 1. Give an account on biogeographical regions India. Ans. Biogeographical Regions in India: India exhibits a vast biodiversity due to inclusion elements of all the three biogeographic realms, i.e., Afro-tropical, Euro-AsianContinue Reading

BBA Environmental Studies Ecosystems Notes in PDF BBA Environmental Studies Ecosystems Notes in PDF :- In this post BBA environmental studies notes question paper solve paper, model paper, and most important question with answer in this post. bba related more post ower website UNIT-III Q. 1 Describe structure andContinue Reading

BBA 1st Sem. Environmental Studies Notes BBA 1st Sem. Environmental Studies Notes :- UNIT I Q. 1. Explain importance of environmental education in the present day context. Ans . Importance of Environmental Education: Environment belongs to all and is thus important for all, whatever be occupation or age of aContinue Reading