BBA Study Material Levels of Management
BBA Study Material Levels of Management :- Hello friends are very happy to tell me that both my team and my team always bring new updates for you, so today we have brought you notes related to bba management. In This article You Can Get Meaning Of management, Importance and Introduction of management, objective of management, and science as management, management is a art, management as a profession. You can get video Also, Levels of management Definition Scientific management, Level of management and different type of level management, Definition of scientific Management and good news you can download this in PDF but PDF file is password protected you can unlock password is give it below. This article Special of BBA and MBA Students Thanks for read this article Knowledge is the only meaning full resource today. The traditional factors of production-land, labour and capital have not disappeared. But they have become secondary. Speaking and writing effectively is important, but nowadays greater importance lies acquiring a firm and job oriented technical know-how. We are in continuum of producing edition series of BBB Notes Video classes, which is providing aspirants self-help BBA study material in the form of question/Answer series. This Question Paper series for BBA has been written according to the latest national curriculum approved by course includes C.C.S University. The Purpose of this series is to enable the student to develop a better understanding of the concerned subject in the field of business management-both in theory and practical aspects. It also aims at inculcating the student a deeper appreciation for entrepreneurship. BBA notes Language of the series is simple and lucid. The word Business organisation originates from the word ‘organism’ which means a structure with its parts so integrated that their relation to each other is governed by their relation to be whole.

Levels of Management

The term ‘levels of Management’ refers to the demarcation between various managerial position in an organization. The number of levels of management increases when the size of business and work force increases. There is a limit to the number of subordinates a person can supervise. Level of management are increased so as to achieve effective supervision.
In most of the organization, there are generally three levels of management :
These have been shown in figure given below :
- Top Levels Management : Top level management of a company consists of the board of directors, the chief executive or the management director and general managers. Top management is the ultimate sources of authority and it establishes goals and policies for the enterprises. It devotes more time on the planning and coordinating functions. It is accountable to the owners of the business for the overall management. Top level management approves the decisions of the middle level management. It also issues orders and instructions and lays down guidelines for the lower levels.
The role of top level management will be further clear by studying its functions which are as follows :
Top level management lays down the objectives of the enterprise.
- It prepares strategic plans and policies for the enterprise.
- It issues necessary instruction for the preparation of departmental budgets, schedules, Procedures, etc.
- It appoints the executives for the middle level.
- It builds and maintains relations with the outside public.
- Middle-Level Management: Middle-level management generally consists of heads of function departments, regional management, plant management, etc. They are responsible for the top level management for the functioning of their department, region or plants. They devote more time to the organization and direction functions of management. In small enterprises, there is only one layer of middle-level management. The senior-level managers include heads of production, finance, marketing, and other departments.
The role played by the middle-level executives is stated below :
- They execute the plans of the organization in accordance with the policies and directives of the top level management.
- They make plans for the sub-units of the organization.
- They participate in the employment and training of lower-level managers.
- They evaluate the performance of junior managers.
- They attempt to achieve coordination between different departments.
- They send the progress report and another important date to the top level management.
3. Lower Level Management: Lower level management is also known as supervisory management because it is directly concerned with the control of the performance of the operative employees. According to R.C Davis, supervisory management refers to those executives whose work has to be largely with personal observation and direction of operative employees. This level includes supervisors, foremen, account officers, and so on. Lower level managers are more concerned with direction and control functions of management. They devote more time on the supervision of workers. The important functions of a supervisor or lower level executive are listed below :
- They plan and organize the activities of their work-group.
- They arrange for necessary materials, machines, tools etc., for workers and provide them with the necessary working environment.
- They provide training to the workers.
- They supervise and guide the subordinates.
- They solve problems of workers.
- They communicate worker’s problem to the higher level management.
- They maintain good human relations in the organization.
- They send periodical reports about performance to the middle level management.
Definition of Scientific Management (BBA Notes)

According to F.W. Taylor “scientific management is the substitution of exact scientific investigation and knowledge for the old individual judgement or opinion in all matters relating to the work done in the shop.”
According to Peter F.Drucken, “the core of scientific management is the organized study of work, the analysis of work into its simplest element and the systematic improvement of the workers and performance of each element.
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