Windows Memory Management and Assembly Language Study Material Notes

Windows Memory Management and Assembly Language Study Material Notes

Windows Memory Management and Assembly Language Study Material Notes:-In  this  cyberpoint9 tutorial we are going to describe about the  concept of Windows Memory Management  and Assembly Language in  ethical hacking cyber programming. And also we will describe that how can we  use ethical hacking for our safety.This is the free ethical hacking tutorials: course for Beginners  And why we  use  ethical hacking  to make  more interactive and  secure for our daily life. Best Online Tutorial for ethical hacking.When ever we want to learn any thing the things become more earlier is somebody/tutorial/study material taught us through Examples. Here we have tried to describe each and every concept of  Ethickal and Cyber Security   in the light of  best Hindi  Short tutorial using simple and best possible example. These examples are so simple that even a beginner who had never even heard about hacking and Cyber law can easily learn and understand How  the  Ethical Hacking works in our today’s Technical Field. This is  the best  tutorial/Study Material  very beneficial for beginners  as well as Professional. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course:Beginner to Advanced for Every One!


What is Windows Memory Management in Cyber Security



Memory – Storage : where we can store anything, any kind of data
Data – It can be anything – Text, Document, Pic, Music, Video
ManagementAllocating memory – Which process will comsume what amount of memory, at what time what sort of memory will be used.

Memory Management – How to allocate the memory to the process, how to allocate memory to the application. How to store the data in the hard disk drive.

How to optimize your hard disk?
temp —> delete
Background processes
disk cleanup –> Defragmentation
prefetch –> boot temporary files

When i start my OS, what are the things which runs in the sequence
BIOS –> Basic Input/Output System
Windows Fetch
OS Loader

There are two types of memory

1. Primary Memory
2. Secondary Memory

1. Primary Memory

In which data wipes out, when ever you start the OS. It is also known as temporary memory.
Ex —> RAM –> Random Access Memory

2. Secondary Memory===================

In which we can permanently store the data, When ever we store data in this type of memory, it will remain there, until the user deletes it manually.
Ex –> Hard Disk Drive, Pen drive, CD, DVD

CD –> compact Disk –> 712 MB
DVD –> Digital Versatile Disk –> 4.7 GB

What is Virtualization

Sharing the resources of one device for better and more processes.
VMWare, Virtual Machine, Virtual Box

1. Type 0 –> Bare Bone –> In the hard disk, you directly install the virtualization software and then you install virtual OS.

2. Type 1 –> In the Hard Disk, you install the OS and in that OS, you install the Virtualization software and on that you install virtual OS.

What is Virtual Memory

It is the space which is not actual the physical space but a virtual space. when the space in the RAM get low, then It borrows some memory form the HDD, for continuing the processes.

What is Virtual Table
They are like my content page, index page in the book. They tell me at which location my process is located and will help the RAM to access the process.

What is Virtual Page

Contains the collection of virtual table, in which all the processes are mapped.

Dymanic Memory Allocation=========================

Malloc –> Memory allocation
To allocate the memory in any manner, it is not continuous memory allocation. It used pointer.
calloc –> Contigious Memory Allocation
It allocated the continuous block of the memory.
It uses the pointer for allocating the memory.

realloc –> If, while performing the process, the memory runs out, then I am here to assist you with more memory by again allocating it to the process.

Free —> to make the memory vacant which is consumed by the background processes.


How Data is stored in CD|DVD
CD is divided into tracks and sectors.

How Does Cyber Forensic Works

1. They never operate on the original source.
2. I will make atleast 15 copies|clones of the reterived source.
3. I will maintain a journal, for each and everything we collected, with location and the time.
4. I will always take the source to the isolated place, for forensics.

How is Data Recovery=============
= Recuva –> Recovery Application software –> download link
= Active Undelete

How is Data Forensics Works

We can recover almost any sort of data from the digital media.
Pen drive

Number System In Computers

1. Binary
2. Decimal
3. Octal
4. Hexa Decimal

Decimal Binary Octal HexaDecimal

0-9 0 and 1 0-7 0-9|A-F
10 Digits 2 digits 8 digits 16 digits
Base 10 base 2 base 8 base 16
0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1
2 10 2 2
3 11 3 3
4 100 4 4
5 101 5 5
6 110 6 6
7 111 7 7
8 1000 10 8
9 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A –> 10
11 1011 13 B –> 11
12 1100 14 C –> 12
13 1101 15 D –> 13
14 1110 16 E –> 14
15 1111 17 F –> 15

Computer Programming Language

1. High Level Language
2. Low Level Language
3. Mid Level Language

1. High Level Language
Are written and understood by the humans. These type of Programming Language uses english and mathematical expression. That’s why it is understandable to humans.
c, c++, java, python, ruby

2. Low Level Language
It is a language which is only and only understandabel to machine or computers. It contains 0 and 1 –> Binary Language
222 —> 101010

3. Mid Level Language
Are the languages which converts high level language to a low level Language.
They use registers, hex values as the location.
We can retriev mid level language from low level language.
Ex –> Assembly Language

High —-> Mid Level Language —> Low Level Language
C programming example
.c –> .o –> exe

What is Assembely Language

It uses registers and the memory location in hexa decimal for storing the content of other programming language.

8085 processor

How is Registers
1. General Purpose Registers
2. Special Purpose Registers
3. Segment Registers

1. General Purpose Registers
Are used to store any transient data. —> Temporary data.
Registers which are required by the program
They are the combination of two 8 bit registers
Low Byte
High Byte
16 bit –> 8 bit 8 bit
AX = 1234
AL –> 34
AH –> 12
Low Byte | High Byte

Extended form of the Register

EAX —> 32 bit register
—> EAL —> 16
—> EAH —> 16

2. Special Purpose Register

Data Structure

They store the data in the form of a stack.
1. SP –> Stack Pointer —> It points at the top of the stack.
2. BP –> Base Pointer —> It points at the base of the stack.
3. IP –> Instruction Pointer –> It points at the next instruction.
4. SI –> Source Index Pointer
5. DI –> Destination Index Pointer

3. Segment Registers

CS –> Code Segment
DS –> Data Segment
ES –> Extra Segment
SS –> Stack Segment

Overview of Network Technology in Ethical Hacking With Examples

Overview of Network Technology in Ethical Hacking With Examples :  Click here 

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