Data Structure in C Language Tutorial Notes Study Material with Examples
Data Structure
A data structure is a specialized way for organizing and storing data in memory, so that one can perform operations on it.
Data structure is all about
- How to represent data element(s).
- What relationship data elements have among themselves.
- How to access data elements e., access methods.

Types of Data Structure

Operations on Data Structures
The operations involve in data structure are as follows
Create Used to allocate/reserve memory for the data element(s).
Destroy This operation deallocate/destroy the memory space assigned to the specified data structure.
Selection Accessing a particular data within a data structure.
Update For updation (insertion or deletion) of data in the data structure.
Searching Used to find out the presence of the specified data item in the list of data item.
Sorting Process of arranging all data items either in ascending or in descending order.
Merging Process of combining data items of two different sorted lists of data items into a single list.
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