Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Short Notes with Examples in Hacking

Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Short Notes with Examples in Hacking

Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Notes with Examples in Hacking:-In  this  cyberpoint9 tutorial we are going to describe about the  concept of CryptoGraphy in  ethical hacking cyber programming. And also we will describe that how can we use ethical hacking for our safety.This is the free ethical hacking tutorials: course for Beginners  And why we  use  ethical hacking  to make  more interactive and  secure for our daily life. Best Online Tutorial for ethical hacking.When ever we want to learn any thing the things become more earlier is somebody/tutorial/study material taught us through Examples. Here we have tried to describe each and every concept of  Ethickal and Cyber Security   in the light of  best Hindi  Short tutorial using simple and best possible example. These examples are so simple that even a beginner who had never even heard about hacking and Cyber law can easily learn and understand How  the  Ethical Hacking works in our today’s Technical Field. This is  the best  tutorial/Study Material  very beneficial for beginners  as well as Professional. The Complete Ethical Hacking Course:Beginner to Advanced for Every One!

What is Cryptography

It is the process of converting a plain text into a cipher text(Encryption) using an algorithm and a key. And in the reverse order, Converting the cipher text into the plain text via same algorith and the key(Decryption).

Plain Text —> Hello Baby
Algorithm —-> Ceaser Cipher
Key —> +3
Cipher Text –> Khoor Edeb —-> Encryption
It is readable but it is not understandable.

Cipher Text –> Khoor Edeb
Algorithm —-> Ceaser Cipher
Key —> -3
Plain Text —> Hello Baby —> Decryption

DES –> Data Encryption Standard
AES –> Advanced Encryption Standard
Block Encryption Method.

Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Short Notes with Examples in Hacking
Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Short Notes with Examples in Hacking

Salted Cryptography

We add some junk data at the random places or at some designated places in the cipher text.
A|a —> hack
B|b —> devil –> AES
Plain Text
Hello All,
Let’s Have some bomb blast in Kashmiri Gate ISBT on 17th of July, 2018 at 2000 hours.
Note That, we are going to the same for Lucideus House, which in Okhla Industrial Phase 3, Plot number 15.
With Regards,
Edward Snowden.
Algorithm –> AES
Key —> lucideustechnology
Cipher Text (Encryption)

Plain Text (Decryption)
Hello All,
Let’s Have some bomb blast in Kashmiri Gate ISBT on 17th of July, 2018 at 2000 hours.
Note That, we are going to the same for Lucideus House, which in Okhla Industrial Phase 3, Plot number 15.
With Regards,
Edward Snowden.

Fiestal Ciper
Rail Fense Ciper
Hill Climbing
PlayFair Ciper

Custom Based Cryptography Methods
a —> aabbcc
b —> xxyyzz
c —> llmmnn
d —> abcabc
Bible —> p4r20c10

There Are Two Types of Keys

1. Public Key
2. Private Key


Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Short Notes with Examples in Hacking
Cryptography Tutorial Study Material Short Notes with Examples in Hacking


Is the process of hiding data in the plain sight. In other words, we hide the data behind an image, audio, video, application, text file, pdf file etc etc etc etc.

Image –> bhalu.jpg
Text –> Text.txt
Open command prompt in the same folder(Shift+right click) and type the following command
copy /b bhalu.jpg+Text.txt chotaBhalu.jpg
copy –> to copy one file into another
/b –> bind –> creat a new file
first image and then text file
chotaBhalu.jpg –> new File
Open the chotaBhalu.jpg in notepad

Tools For Steganography

images –> quickstego
Audio –> MP3Stegz
Video and Exe files —> Neo Hex Editor

What is Hashes

They are method for converting our data into an encrypted form, in a hash form. The difference between hashes and cryptography is that, we can decipher or decrypt an cryptographic algorithm but we cannot decrypt or decipher the hash.
In the hash we can recover the hash. We will convert the words from the dictionary into a hash and we will map that hash with the original hash.
They are unique, they have a unique pattern.

1. Base 64
2. MD5
3. SHA512





paste the hash
#hashid <hash_value>

How is Hashcat
It claimed to be the world’s fastest hash recovery tool. It works on both, CPU and GPU
CPU –> Central Processing Unit
GPU –> Graphical Processing Unit
For using hashcat, we need two different parameters.
hash type —> m
attack type —> a

Open the terminal and type
#hashcat -m 0 -a 3 /root/Desktop/md5 /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt
#hashcat -m 0 -a 3 /root/Desktop/md5 /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt –force
For Showing
#hashcat -m 0 -a 3 /root/Desktop/md5 /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt –force –show

#hashcat -m 1400 -a 3 /root/Desktop/sha256 /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt –force
For Showing
#hashcat -m 1400 -a 3 /root/Desktop/sha256 /usr/share/wordlist/rockyou.txt –force –show

Overview of Network Technology in Ethical Hacking With Examples

Overview of Network Technology in Ethical Hacking With Examples :  Click here 

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