COCOMO Model in Software Engineering Tutorial with Examples
COCOMO Model in Software Engineering Tutorial with Examples:The Complete Guide of Computer Science and Information Technology to Crack any Examination:-In this cyberpoint9 tutorial we are going to describe about the concept of Any Competitive Examination in Computer Science and Information Technology and cyber programming. And also we will describe that how can we crack any Competitive Examination Like GATE-CS ,UGC-NET,BARC,VSSC, DRDO, ISRO, NASA, BHEL,SPACEX,GOOGLE,FACEBOOK, etc .This is the free Full Complete Guide for Computer Science and Information Technology Students and Achievers Scientist.In this tutorials: course for Beginners to Advance And why we use Handbook of CS AND IT to make more interactive and save our time for our Daily life. Best Online Tutorial for Computer Science and It students .When ever we want to learn any thing the things become more earlier is somebody/tutorial/study material taught us through Examples. Here we have tried to describe each and every concept of Programming and Cyber Security in the light of best Hindi Short tutorial using simple and best possible example. These examples are so simple that even a beginner who had never even heard about hacking and Cyber law can easily learn and understand How the isro and barc drdo for computer science books works in our today’s Technical Field. This is the best tutorial/Study Material very beneficial for beginners as well as Professional.The Complete Guide of Computer Science and Information Technology.
It is a heuristic estimation technique. This is also known as constructive Got model. Software development project can be classified into one of the three categories based on the development complexity i.e., organic, semidetached and embedded.
We can consider a development project to be of organic type, if the project deals with developing a well understood’ application program. The size of the development team is reasonably small and the team members are experienced in developing similar types of project.
If the development team consists of a mixture of experienced and unexperienced staff. Team members may have limited experience on related system but may be unfamiliar with some aspects of the system being developed.
We apply this approach, if the software being developed is strongly coupled to complex hardware or if stringent regulations on the operational procedure exist.
According to Boehm, software cost estimation should be done through three
stages i.e., basic COCOMO, intermediate COCOMO and complete COCOMO.
Basic COCOMO Model
Barry Boehm introduced a hierarchy of software estimation models named Constructive Cost Model. Basic equations of COCOMO model are
Efforts in person-months (E) = a (KLOC)b
Development time in months (D) = c (E)d
Where a, b, c and d are coefficients that have fixed values for different classes of projects.

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