Business Communication Application Latter Types and Various
Business Communication Application Latter Types and Various :–

Long Answer Questions
Q. 1. Discuss the application letter. Why it is important? Give its various types.
Ans. Application Letters : Application letters are written when someone needs a job. They are personal letters incorporating a few features of a business letter. Since the applicant seeks to sell his services, an application letter is a kind of sales letter and all the guidelines useful in writing sales letters are applicable here. Only it is more difficult for the writer to say something about himself than about some product.
The first objective of an application letter is to obtain an interview. So the letter must be distinguished enough to attract immediate attention and to arouse interest. But it must not be too unusual or it may appear eccentric, It must convince the prospective employer that he can profit from the talents and services that the writer offers.
Types of Application Letter : There are two types of application letters. Solicited application letters are written in response to an advertisement, Unsolicited application letters are written at the writer’s initiative. In both cases, a resume of the writer’s own education, extra-curricular activities and experience must be given. Such a resume may form part of the letter itself or it may be written on an enclosed separate sheet called bio-data or personal record sheet.
The ‘you’ Attitude : Since an application letter is a sales letter, it must be written on the principles of the ‘you’ attitude. There is an interesting paradox involved here, The applicant is required to write ‘What I am’ and ‘what I have’ but he is required to give these details from the employer’s point of view. But it is not difficult to resolve this paradox. Before he settles down to write an application letter, the applicant must ask himself, “What have I got that an employer can use profitability”? The answer would include the following points :
- Academic qualifications, professional qualifications and experience that meet the prospective employer’s needs.
- The knowledge of his trade, of the nature of the job, of related jobs, of laws relating to business.
- Special abilities like supervision, planning, selling, research, accounts, sales, promotions etc.
- Personal qualities like imagination, industry accuracy, speed, initiative, alertness and moral values like loyalty, integrity, commitment etc.
Form and Contents of an Application Letter
- The Writer’s Address and Date : Generally the writer’s address is written at the right hand top corner of the letter. The date invariably forms a part of the writer’s address. However, this address can also be written at the left-hand top corner. In such a case, it is good to say ‘From’ before beginning the address in the next line. This could then require writing ‘To’ before writing the inside address. Also in this case, the date is written at the end of the letter, beginning with the left-hand margin and on the same line where complimentary clause is written.
- The Inside Address : This depends upon whether the application is in response to an advertisement or is an unsolicited application.
(a) If it is in response to an advertisement : The advertisement may contain name (i.e. the Position and not the personal name) of the officer to whom the letter is to be addressed. In that case, the inside address will start with the status-name of that officer :
The Personal Manager
National Rubber Ltd.
Or The Employment Officer
Bharat Refineries Ltd.
Or The Manager
Indian Engineering Instruments
Sometimes the advertiser does not mention the name of the officer to whom the application is to be addressed nor is there any identification of the advertiser. The advertisement simply contains a Box or Bag number to which the application is to be sent. In such a case, the inside address would be :
The Advertiser In the Post office
Post Box No. 1234 Box or Bag Number is given Delhi-110006
The Advertiser Post
Box No. 1357 Pune
The Advertiser if Box Number of Box No. 2468 India Mumbai the Newspaper is given The Times of
(b) If it is unsolicited: The letter should be addressed to the appropriate officer:
The Personal Manager (The employment officer/ The Manager etc.)
Guest, Keen Williams
New Delhi
3. The Salutation : In almost all types of application letters, “Dear Sir” is the common salutation used.
4. The Opening Paragraph : As in a sales letter, the opening paragraph should attract the attention of the reader and arouse his interest to read the letter further. Since the letter is not about a ‘product’, it is difficult to have an objective point in the ‘opener’ to the letter. is required is to give a brief direct and summary like statement. A few examples of good opening paragraphs are given below .
(a) I request your favourable consideration of my qualifications for the position of with your firm advertised in The Times of India, dated
(b) Your advertisement in The Hindu, dated for the position of a senior accountant suits my qualifications and experience,
(c) With my five year’s experience as the Assistant Advertising Manager of Lintas Ltd. I feel I am quite suitable for the manager’s post that you advertised in the Indian Express dated
(d) Three years of my study and a full year’s practical training at the L & T Ltd. Workshop have prepared me for the post advertised by you in The Hindu dated an Accounts Officer with specialisation in Cost Accounting. Next month I am receiving my diploma certificate from the I.C.W.A and my training certificate from L & T, too. (e) If memory’ speech and practiCal application are the sine quanon of a good legal adviser, here is the proof that you find them all in me for the legal adviser position in your corporation.
(i) A first classin LL.B. and LL.M,
(ii) A gold medal in the paper ‘Applied Law’s’ at LL.M.
(iii) Five firsts at the college, university and state level debating and extempore speech competitions,
(f) Mr. Waman Ambekar of your associate concern at Hubli told,me of your desire to open your new branch at Panjim. r feel that my education and experience as accountant in Sirur Agencies Ltd. Hubli, would merit your consideration of appointing me as the branch incharge of your Audit firm.
(Note: The fast opening is not quite usual. It also pre supposes that the writer has the permission of the named person to mention him. There are also some conventional openings for these application letters.)
(g) With reference to your advertisement in the Free Press Journals of4th October, I wish to apply for the post of……………
(h) In response to your advertisement
(i) Referring to your advertisement in etc,
5. Middle Paragraph : Once the opening paragraph has achieved its aim of arresting the reader’s interest, further work is easy. The middle paragraph, on the body of the letter, should now give the details of the important points mentioned in the opening paragraph. It has to give basic information about the applicant.
(a) Education, with grades, classes, ranks and scholarship obtained (If there is nothing extraordinary about grades, classes, etc. golden silence would probably be the best.)
(b) Physical or health details : Date of birth and age, height and weight and general health condition.
(c) Marital status.
(d) Experience (With reason for leaving the job, If that reason is not going to adversely affect the prospective employer’s consideration of the application).
(e) Languages known : Specific hint about the knowledge of reading, writing and speaking in each language to be given.
(f) Nationality, wherever it is specifically asked for.
(g) Testimonials : Copies of testimonials to be attached to the letter, a note to that effect shouldbe made here.
(h) Reference : It is always preferable to mention at least two persons names and addresses to whom the prospective employees can refer the case for obtaining information about the applicant’s industry, honesty, sincerity, integrity of character etc.
6. Concluding Paragraph : The writer of an application letter seeks an interview with the Prospective employer. Having told how and why the prospective employer could benefit by the Writer’s qualifications and experience, the concluding paragraph should now strongly suggest to the prospective employer to ‘act’, i.e. grant an interview. It is here that many writers commit the mistake Of using words that would win them the sympathy of the prospective employee, e.g.,
(a) Given an opportunity to serve in your esteemed concern, assure you of my best service to my supervisors.
(b) I request you to be kind enough to give me an opportunity to serve in your reputed firm.
(c) If appointed I shall always endeavour to satisfy my officers under whom I would be required to work.
You should remember that jobs are not given in charity. The prospective employer will grant you an interview only if he finds you suitable for the post and not out of ‘sympathy’. So just be simple and direct in asking for an interview. The following closing are quite effective :
(a) May I have a 15 minute interview in which to substantiate these statements and to answer your further questions?
(b) Although I have gone into considerable detail in this letter, there are probably questions that you still want answered. May I come in for an interview? You may reach me at the address or telephone number given at the top of my personal record sheet.
(c) I hope to hear from you soon.
(d) I look forward to an opportunity to be with you at your convenience.
(e) I should greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my service would be a sound
7. Complimentary Close and Signature : The most commonly used complimentary close is
‘your faithfully: Avoid using such subscriptions as I have the honour to remain, Sir, your most obedient servant or I beg to remain, sir, your most obedient servant or your most obedients servant, etc.
Below the signature is generally written in brackets the name of the applicant, In the case of a lady applicant her marital status is indicated by the use of the term ‘Miss’ or ‘Mrs.’ prefixed to the name.
8. Enclosures : It is always a good policy to mention the number of nature of the documents and other papers enclosed with the application letter.
(a) Bio-data : A recent trend in writing application letters is to write it in two parts: (i) the application letter itself, containing as appeal to the prospective employer and (ii) the Bio-data or
personal Record sheet, that gives a detailed information about the personal qualities, education, experience, etc, of the applicant. This form is generally preferred by those who have something worth telling about their qualifications and experience, but those having just a normal or not so good a record of education and experience prefer to write everything in the main application itself.
(b) Application blank : Many of the government or semi-government departments or undertakings have their own prescribed application forms which contain varied questions to be answered by the applicant. The completed application form itself becomes an application in a standardised letter. Sometimes the advertiser gives the form of the application in the advertisement itself. The applicants will then have to prepare their application letter .strictly according to that form only.
Q. 2. Write short notes on :
(a) Office memorandums,
(b) Office orders,
(c) Office circulars.
What is the meaning of memo?
Ans. (a) Office Memorandums
Memorandum is more popularly known as Memo. The literal meaning of the word memorandum
is a note to assist the memory, Memorandum is singular in number. Its plural forms are A memo is used for internal communication between executives and subordinates or between officers of the same level. It is never sent outside the organisation.
A memo can be used :
(i) to issue instruction to the staff
(ii) to communicate policy changes to the staff
(iii) to give/seek suggestions
(iv) to request help or information
(v) to confirm a decision arrived at on the telephone.
(vi) to seek explanation on some matter of conduct etc.
However, a memo may not be found appropriate if the matter is of a complex or serious nature involving lengthy discussion.
A memo can be filed for future reference.
Memo Format : The memo format is different from that of a letter. Since a memo moves from one department to another or from one employee to another, it is essential to write the name of the person sending the memo and the name of the receipt and the designation or department of both the persons. It must also have reference numbers.
The words from and to are invariably used in a memo. There is no salutation and the writer’s signature is put without writing the subscription or complimentary clause.
The memo is properly dated, is written in a direct style and is as brief as possible.
The tone of a memo should neither be very formal nor should it be so informal that is loses all seriousness. The three factors to be kept in mind while considering the tone are :
1. Who is going to read the memo.
2. The subject-matter of the memo.
3. The company house style.
A memo is not very different from a letter, only a memo being used with in the organisation, the formal aspects of the letter are dispensed with. But like a letter, it must be clear, concise, courteous, etc. Even in negative message, courtesy should be observed as far as possible.
The Special of the memo format :

Q. 3. Discuss the different standard parts of a business letter, Give a specimen of standard business letter.
What are the various parts of business letter?
What are the essentials of a good business letter?
Ans. Business Letter : Letters related with business affairs are termed as business letters. These letters help the businessman to build new relations and maintain the existing relations. A businessman writes letters to its customers, employees, other firms, associate concerns, credit agencies, government departments etc. These letters are written to achieve a definite purpose such as selling product, making an enquiry, seeking information or advice, creating goodwill etc.
According to Herbert Kassan, “Letters written for business affairs are known as business letters.”
Parts or Structure of a Business Letter
Business letter is divided into several parts and each part of it contains specific significance. These part should be well organised and constant in the same way as different parts of our body are interdependent and interrelated with each other. Usually, the business letter have the following parts :
(1) Heading
(2) Date
(3) Reference
(4) Inside Address
(5) Salutation
(6) Subject line
(7) Body of letter or message
(8) Complimentary clauses
(9) Signature
(10) Enclosure.
(1) Heading : The heading of a letter consists of the printed letter heads, mentioning the name of the firm, its address, telephone and E-mail address, symbolsl and trade marks. Generally the name and the address of the company are given in the centre and its telephone, fax, E-mail numbers are mentioned on left or right side or both sides of address.A specimen of letter head is given below :
Telephone : Sumit Traders Fax :
DistributorTelegram :
of National Fertilizers
60/8, Vidhan Sabha Marg, Lucknow E-Mail :
(2) Date : Every business letter must carry the date, It enables quick reference in future and help in prompt action and orderly filing. Date can be written in several ways such as,
Date : 14 Jan, 2014 (English Method)
Date : Jan 28, 2014 (American Method)
(3) Reference : Reference number indicates the file number, the department to which the files has to go, the number of the letter and the year reference number is gives on the left side below heading. It is usually written on :
Reference : 14/ DAV/14
Reference : 17/order/14
In the reference 14 represents the number of letter DAV he letter is originated from the DAV and 14 stands for the year 2014.
(4) Inside Address : This part of the letter shows the name and the address of the person or firm to whom the letter has been addressed. It is given below the date line at the left margin. It help the dispatcher to deliver the letter. Inside address must be written exactly as it is written on the envelope.
(5) Salutation : Below the inside address, complementary greeting, which is called salutation isWritten, This salutation depends upon the writer’s relationship with the recipients of such letter. Sir or Madam : Used in case of more formal relations.
Dear Sir or Dear Madam : This is most commonly used Salutation for business letter.
(6) Subject Line: It is customary to mention the which the letter relates in between the Salutation and the body of the letter. It helps a reader in understanding the contents of letter at a glance.
Specimen From of Latter Parts

(7) Body of a Letter : This is the most important part of the letter as it contains the message, The material in this part should be arranged and organised carefully. The subject body of a letter is usually divided into three parts :
(i) Opening or introductory paragraph
(ii) Main part or important message
(iii) Closing paragraph deals with conclusions.
The opening paragraph usually deals with reference to earlier correspondence. Main part Of the message is written in the second part. Closing part conclude the message in summary and inspire the receiver to act upon it.
(8) Complimentary Close : As a letter starts with a respectable salutation, must end with respectable compliments. This is conventional and polite way of ending the letter: The commonly used complimentary closing expressions are as follows :
(9) Signature : Letter is assumed completed when signature is duly made by the writer there upon. Liability of letter is determined with the Signatory person. The signature should be written in hand by the writer of the letter.
(10) Enclosures : All additional paper, documents, invoice cheque/draft etc. attached with a letter are termed as enclosures.
Q. 4. What do you understand by “Good News Letters”? Give a specimen of good news letters.
Ans. Good News Letters : Good news letters are written to convey the pleasent news to the reader. These letters gain the positive reaction of the reader. Thus a good news letter is a letter which conveys a positive message to the reader. These letters are written mainly for conveying the following informations :
(i) Information regarding the acceptance of an order.
(ii) Information regarding the acceptance of credit.
(iii) Information for announcing price cut.
(iv) Letters for granting an adjustment.
(v) Congratulation letters.
(vi) Selection letters for providing job.
These letters are very common in business affairs and most of the business letters are good news letters. They are easiest to write as they convey the information which is readily accepted by the reader.
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