BBA Environmental Studies Question Paper 2018
BBA Environmental Studies Question Paper 2018 : – All BBA 1st semester students’s we are provide the study material and question paper of BBA . and in this article you can find few year question paper. BBA Environmental Studies Previous Year Question Paper 2018 today our t eam presented BBA Environmental studies previous year question paper for you practise. and special links related to the bba Principles of Economics and all subject question paper and study material. we provided mock paper, question paper, simple paper, unsold paper last five year question paper.

BE-A. Examination, Dec. 2018
Environmental Studies
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Attempt questions from each section as per instructions.
(Descriptive Answer Questions)
Note : This section contains six question, attempt any three questions. Each question carries 20 marks. Answer must be descriptive. (20 x 13 – 60)
- Describe the factors which affect the environment.
- Write an essay on world forest resources.
- What are the main non-conventional and alternate source of energy?
- Describe in brief the types of pollution.
- “The most urgent economic problem of India today is the problem of population versus food.” What solution of the problem would you offer and why?
- Describe the importance of forests to human life.
(Short Answer Questions)
Note : This section contains three questions, attempt any two questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 100 words.
- Point out objectives of environmental education.
- Write a short note on Tiger project.
- Discuss impact of pollution on public health.
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note : This question contains five parts, all parts are compulsory. there is no internal choice. The answer of each part should be between 20 to 30 words. Each part carries 4 marks. (4 x 5=20)
10.Write short notes on the following :
(i) Means of water conservation.
(ii) Classification of wildlife.
(iii) AIDS.
(iv) Rain water harvesting. (v) importance of natural resources.
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Montey Parjapati
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