BBA Business Law Question Paper 2018
BBA Business Law Question Paper 2018 :-All BBA 1st semester students’s we are provide the study material and question paper of BBA . and in this article you can find few year question paper. BBA Business law Previous Year Question Paper 2018 today our t eam presented BBA Business law previous year question paper for you practise. and special links related to the bba Business law and all subject question paper and study material. we provided mock paper, question paper, simple paper, unsold paper last five year question paper.

B.B.A Examination, Dec. 2018
Business Law
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75
Section-A(BBA Mock Paper )
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt all five questions. Each question carries three marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 Words. (3 x 5 = 15)
- Distinguish between a contract and an agreement.
- What do you mean by a quasi-contract?
- What is a contract of sale of goods?
- Define partnership.
- What do you mean by a bill of exchange?
Section-B (BBA Question Paper)
(Short Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words.
- “A contract without considersaation is void.” Comment on the statement and give its exceptions.
- Define contract of guarantee. Distinguish between a contract of indemnity and a contract of guarantee.
- What is a condition? What are the implied conditions according to the sale or goods act? Give suitable examples.
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Section-C (BBA Mock Paper)
(Detailed Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.
- What do you understand by ‘capacity to contract’? what is the effect of agreements made by persons not qualified to contract?
- Define agency. How is it created and terminated?
- Who is an ‘unpaid seller’? Discuss his right under the sale of goods Act.
- What is the meaning of dissolution of a partnership firm? In what circumstances a firm can be dissolved?
- What do you mean by endorsment of a negotiable instrument? Explain the essentials of a void indorsement. Who are entitled to indorse a negotiable instrument?
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