BBA 2nd Development and Effective Communication Notes
BBA 2nd Development and Effective Communication Notes :–

Q. 1. Discuss the developments that have increased the need for effective communication’
Ans. Need for Effective Communication : Effective communication has always been essential for success in business. In recent times, communication has become all the more essential due to the following reasons :
1.Increase in Size : Business firms have grown tremendously in scale of operations A larger business firm today employs thousands of people, has factories or offices in different parts of the world. The head office ofthe company must always be in close touch with branch offices. An efficient system of communication is required for this purpose.
2. Growing Specialisation : Narrow division of work result in different activities being handled by different departments. Due to narrow outlook every department tends to over stress its own work, Sound communication is essential for ensuring mutual cooperation and understanding between different departments. Otherwise the organisation cannot function smoothly. If for example, there is no communication between production and sales departments, the sales department might book orders which the production department cannot supply.
3. Technological Advancement : Rapid changes in science and technology lead to Obsolescence of technology and knowledge. In order to upgrade or modernise technology, management must persuade employees to accept new technology. Regular training of staff becomes necessary to upgrade their knowledge to provide them skills needed to apply new technology,
4. Cut-throat Competition : Liberalisation and globalisation have resulted in severe competition between public sector, private sector and foreign banks, Moreover, banks today have also to compete with various financial institutions. Persuasive communication in the form of advertisements, personal contacts and publicity becomes essential to survive in the race of competition.
5. Human Relations : Effective communication between management and employees is necessary to develop mutual trust and confidence. Participation of employees in the decision making process and other means of communication helps to develop among employees a sense Of belonging and loyalty to the organisation.
6. Trade Union Movement : In banking sector, employee unions are very strong and powerful, Management must consult union leaders on several matters. Regular exchange in information and ideas between managers and union officials help to maintain healthy relations between them.
7. Public Relations : Society expects more and more from managers. Business has to keep government, distributors, suppliers, investors and other sections of society well-informed about its contributions to society. Public relation helps business to improve its image in society and big enterprises employ professional experts for this purpose.
Q. 2. Write short notes on :
1. Individual presentation, 2. Group presentation, 3. Mock interview.
What is the difference between individual and group presentation?
Ans. 1. Individual Presentation: In individual presentation there is only one speaker who present his views on a pre-decided topic to the auidence. In this, the speaker speaks withoUt interruption and at the end, answers the questions of the audience. Individual presentation further can be of two types :
(a) When there is one speaker and one listener.
(b) When there is one speaker and a small group of listeners.
2. Group Presentation : When more than one speakers present their views on a pre-decided topic to the audience, it is termed as group presentation.
In group presentation one speaker speaks at one time and all other listen to him. When one has finished, another speaker speaks and presents his view. At the end, chairperson brief the discussion and thanks all audience. Group presentation mainly occurs in meeting, seminars and conferences’ planning of group presentation requires atmost care. Order of presentation must be determined carefully as it involves several speakers. Proper arrangement of stage, lighting, background etc’ enhance the impact of presentation.
Characteristics of Group Presentation : Main characteristics of group presentation can be summarised as follows :
(a) Group presentation is based on the pre-decided topic.
(b) One person from the group act as chairperson and conducts the presentation.
(c) Speakers present their views one by one in fixed time.
(d) At the end, chairperson gives a summary and conclusion of the discussion,
(e) After the presentation is finished, the conclusion are written by the secretary,
(f) Usually group presentation is rehearsed to make it more effective,
3. Mock Interview : Mock interview refers to create real situation of an interview, which means having a dress rehearsal of real interview. Thus, mock interview is a sample of real interview, By organizing mock interview we try to know as to how the real interview is being conducted. In other words, a mock interview is organised or conducted to understand the actual interview,
Q. 3. Explain guidelines for effective participation in a group discussion.
Ans. Guidelines for Effective Participation in a Group Discussion : The following guidelines are helpful for effective participation in group discussions :
1. Develop and sharpen your speaking and interpersonal skills. Clear thinking, good expression and other verbal and non-verbal skills are important for a group discussion.
2. Prepare yourself and have a thorough understanding of the subject on which you are asked to speak. Since the topic of discussion is unknown, familiarise yourself with the most important topics under current affairs. This can be done by reading daily newspaper, magazines and watching news and discussions on TV.
3. Learn how to analyse the subject, argue your case while adhering to the time limit.
4. A group discussion requires co-operation and co-ordination on the part of the participants who are expected to work as a team. Any kind of hostile attitude by any one of the participants is against the spirit of co-operation and would hamper effective discussion. Therefore, every participant has to subordinate his ego to the larger objective of working together and completiv the discussion within the specified time.
5. A person participating in a group discussion should carry a pen and a paper unless asked otherwise, It is better to think through the main issues in the topic of discussion before start speakinc.
6. Unless you are fully prepared on the topic, allow someone else to start the discussion. One can get noticed even when one is not first to speak.
7. Listen carefully to what other participants are saying. You may quote others while supporting and criticising them.
8. There is more than one way of entering the discussion. You may begin by appreciating a point made earlier. Alternatively you may express disagreement with someone’s argument and mould the discussion in your own way.
10. There should be a free flow of ideas in a group discussion. As all participants are keen to speak, there is likely to be choice in a group discussion. But speaking in turn is not desirable as it hampers a natural discussion.
11. Summarise the discussion at the end by restating your view as well as dissenting view, Do not force a consensus.
Q. 4. What do you understand by audience analysis? Give its objectives.
Ans. Audience Analysis : In communication process, the person who receive the message is known as audience. He is the focal point Of entire communication process. Communication is completed only when the receiver under the message makes successful transmission of messages, it is necessary to know about the audience habit, perception, beliefs, sentiments and attitudes etc. which effect the communications directly Collection and study of information regarding audience Such that who the audience are, what are their habits and emotion, what is their status, etc. is
Objectives of Audience Analysis : Analysis regarding awareness ofaudience in communication depends upon mainly following four options, which are also known as objectives of audience analysis.
1. Audience Coverage : The first objective of audience analysis is to get information about the coverage of audience, i.e. how audience are included in the diameter of communication? Which section, area or class of audience comes in the access of communication, etc. This is also known as audience analysis :
2. Audience Response : The second objective of audience analysis is to get information whether the audience understand the message in its true sense or not? How they react about the message? Is the response according to own expectation? Whether the audience has positive attitude, etc,
3. Communication Impact : The third objective of communication is to know the impact communication on the audience. Has communication made any affect on the audience? Are attitude and thinking of the audience positively affected? etc.
4. Process of Influence : Which process is used to influence the audience? Which communication medium is used effectively in the communication, etc. are studied in the process of influence.
Q. 5. What are human relations?
Ans. Effective communication between management and employees is necessary to develop mutual trust and confidence. Participation of employees in the decision making process and other means of communication helps to develop among employees a sense of belonging and loyaltyto the organisation.
Q. 6. What is trade union movement?
Ans. In banking sector, employee unions are very strong and powerful. Management must consult union leaders on several matters. Regular exchange of information and ideas between managers and union officials help to maintain healthy relations between them.
Q. 7. What is mock interview?
Ans. Mock interview refers to create real situation of an interview, which means having a dress rehearsal of real interview. Thus, mock interview is a sample of real interview. Thus, mock interview is organised to understand the actual interview.
Q. 8. What is efficient planning?
Ans. Accurate and up-to-date information concerning the external environment and internal conditions is necessary for taking right decisions at the right time. The quality of managerial decisions and plans depend largely on the quality of information and its effective transmission. Such information becomes available to managers through a proper system of reporting and consultations.
Q. 9. What is presentation?
Ans. In industry and commerce the term presentation has come to be used in preference to public speaking. Presentation is generally or occasionally required while launching a new product, starting a training, presenting a new business plan, etc. Thus, presentation requires careful preparation which is a formal occasion with usual use of audio-visual aids and team work.
Q. 10. What are the five steps of successful presentation?
Ans. (a) Be clear about the occasion.
(c) Planout the presentation.
(e) Using visual aids.
(b) Have an idea of the location.
(d) Consider personal aspects.
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