CMS WordPress vulnerbility Cyber Security Notes

CMS WordPress vulnerbility Cyber Security Notes

WORDPESS :- For creating a whole new website, you just need to drag and drop the site’s element only. You do not need to have very awesome knowledge of HTML, JS, PHP and all…. So you are just required to have a good knowledge of english and grammer.
WordPress also provides the CMS

How to recognise the site is in wordpress

1. Wappalyser
2. add wp-admin or wp-login in the end of thr url
3. we will see “wp-content”, when we look up for the image location
Download WordPress —> —> 4.8×300.jpg
Hacking into wordpress website
wpscan –> Inbuild tool for kali linux. Used for enumerating and scanning the WordPress Website.
 #wpscan –url
#wpscan –url –enumerate t –> to enumerate the data about theme
#wpscan –url –enumerate p –> to enumerate the data about plugins
#wpscan –url –enumerate u –> to enumerate the data about username
wpscan –url –wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt –username root   —-> for bruteforcing the password
wp-login changer —-> wp-admin —-> —> login page

Login Limiter

The OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability Assessment System) scanner is a comprehensive vulnerability assessment system that can detect security issues in all manner of servers and network devices. OpenVAS is updated through the Network Vulnerability Tests (NVTs) feed. It is pre-installed in Kali 2.0 (2015) version. It uses Greenbone Security Assessment as the Control Authority of it. It is also listed in the best Network Scanning Report Generation tools.
Scan Types :
= Full Scan for a full test of network, server and web application vulnerabilities.
= Web Server Scan a more focused test for web server and web application vulnerabilities.
= WordPress Scan testing for known WordPress vulnerabilities and web server issues.
= Joomla Scan testing for known Joomla vulnerabilities and web server issues.
Running OpenVAS
Requirements : Kali 2.0 (2015.1) , Iceweasel Browser, OpenVAS

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