BBA Study Material Leadership Principal of Co ordination Notes
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Leadership (BBA Notes)
Leadership is the process of influencing others towards the accomplishment of goals. It is the ability of a manager to induce subordinates to work with confidence.
Leadership is a process of stimulating members of the group towards the achievement of predecided goals.
A manager attempts to achieve co-ordination by performing his function as discussed below :
- Co-ordination through Planning : Planning facilitates co-ordination by properly integrating the various plan through mutual discussion, exchange of ideas, etc. e.g., If the adversiting manager is to plan his advertising campaign, it would be helpful if he discusses the plan with production manager, the sales manager and finance manager and so on. In this way, as the advertising managers perform his function of planning, he is attempting to achieve co-ordination in the effort of other managers.
- Co-ordination through Organisation : When a manager, group and assigns various activities to subordinate and when he creates department co-ordination is uppermost in his mind. By placing related activities in the same administrative unit, co-ordination will be facilitated.
- Co-ordination through Staffing : A manager should bear in mind that the right number of personnel in various positions with right type of education and skill are taken. This will ensure right persons on right jobs. Shortage of personnel will also be avoided.
- Co-ordination through Directing : When a manager directs, he is also trying to achieve co-ordination. The purpose of giving orders, instructing, coaching and guiding the subordinates is to achieve co-ordinates of their activities for attainment of enterprise objectives in the most efficient way.
- Co-ordination through Controlling : While performing the function of controlling the manager can know whether or not the current activities are going on as per plan. Such evaluation of operation help to synchronize the efforts of subordinates. If the manager finds that performance is not as planned, he must immediately take action. By doing this he will bring about co-ordination.
Principal of Co-ordination ( BBA Notes)
Co-ordination is crucial for to the success of any organisation. Co-ordination is the process whereby an executive develops an orderly pattern of group effort among his subordinates and secures unity of action in the persuit of common purpose. Co-ordination is a continuous and dynamic process and emphasizes unity of effort to achieve the desired results. Co-ordination is essentially a managerial responsibility Mary parker follett has spelt various principles of co-ordination in the following fashion :

- Principle of direct contact : In the first principle Mary Parker Follet States that co-ordination can be achieved by direct contact among the responsible people concerned. She believes that co-ordination can be easily obtained by direct interpersonal relationships and direct personal communications. Such personal contacts bring about agreement on methods, actions and ultimate achievement of objectives. Direct contacts also help wither away the controversies and misunderstandings. It is based on the principle that co-ordination is better achieved through understanding, not by force, order and coercion.
- Principle of continuity : the fourth principle, advocated by Follett, is that co-ordination is a continuous and never-ending process. It is same timing which must go on all the time in the organisation. Further, co-ordination is involved in every managerial function.
- Principle of early stages : co-ordination should start from the very beginning of planning process. At the time of policy formulation and objective setting, co-ordination can be sought from organisational participants. Obviously, When the members are involved in goal setting, co-ordination problem is ninety percent solved. It is because participative goal setting enables agreement and commitment to organisation goals and there is no question of conflict early stages of planning and policy formulation, becomes difficult to exercise oin the later stages of execution of plans.
- Principle of reciprocal relationship : As the third principle Mary Follett states that all in a situation are reciprocally related. In other words, all the parts influence and are influenced by other parts. For example, when A works with B and he in turn works with C and D, each of the four finds himself influenced by other, influenced by all the people in the total situation. Follett contends that this sort of reciprocal relationship and this sort of inter penetration of every part by every other part, and again by every other part as it has been permeated by all should be the goal of all attempts at co-ordination.
- Principle of self co-ordination : In addition to the four principal listed by Follett above, Brown has emphasized the principal of self co-ordination. According to this principle, when a particular department affects other function or department, it in turn affected by other department or function. This particular department may not be having control over other department. However, if other department are modified in such a fashion that this affects the particular department favourably then self-co-ordination is said to be achieved. For instance there must be co-ordination between the level of production and sales. When the production department alters its total production in such a way as to suit the sales capacity of the marketing department (even before the marketing department makes request to cut down production or to increase production) then self co-ordination is said to have taken place. This of course, requires effective communication across the department this principle is rarely practiced in day-to-day life.