BBA Notes Business Organisation Mail Order Internet Tele Shopping
BBA Notes Business Organisation Mail Order Internet Tele Shopping :- In This Article You Can Find Meaning Business Organisation Notes . and Mail Order Business, internet shopping Business, tele shopping, tolls of business organisation Means That Its Is Best Topic of Business Organisation Study For BBA 1st Semester Year . Here You Find Topic Wise,Chapter Wise, Subject Wise Study Material BBA MBA Management introduction of management And other Links of Related to the Business organisation . How To Learn BBA Business organisation Notes Levels of management scientific management introduction of management spacial of bba and mba other You Here . Thanks For Read This Article. Knowledge is the only meaning full resource today. The traditional factors of production-land, labour and capital have not disappeared. But they have become secondary. Speaking and writing effectively is important, but nowadays greater importance lies acquiring a firm and job oriented technical know-how. We are in continuum of producing edition series of BBB Notes Video classes, which is providing aspirants self-help BBA study material in the form of question/Answer series. This Question Paper series for BBA has been written according to the latest national curriculum approved by course includes C.C.S University. The Purpose of this series is to enable the student to develop a better understanding of the concerned subject in the field of business management-both in theory and practical aspects. It also aims at inculcating the student a deeper appreciation for entrepreneurship. BBA notes Language of the series is simple and lucid. The word Business organisation originates from the word ‘organism’ which means a structure with its parts so integrated that their relation to each other is governed by their relation to be whole.

Mail order Business
If you want to buy some durable items it is not always necessary that you go to a fixed shop and get the goods from the seller. An advertisement in the newspaper attracts the attention of a person to certain goods. He fills up the coupon and sends it to the seller. The seller receives the goods from the postman by paying the required amount. The seller later collects the money from the post office.

This is a system of sale by post and is know as mail order business. It is also called shopping by cost. It is a method of selling goods by producers or traders directly to the customers through post office. The seller advertises the products through newspapers, magazines, television, booklets, catalogues etc., to make the customer aware about the product. The advertisement contains detailed particulars about the goods and is designed in an attractive way to create an interest in the mind of the customers to buy it. The advertisement may contain an order form or coupon, which the customer has to fill up and send at the address of the mail order house. After receiving the order the mail order house packs the goods properly and sends them through the post office under value payable post (VPP).
The post office delivers the goods at the buyer’s place and collects the money from the buyer. Then it remits the money to the seller or sender of the goods.
Feature of Mail Order Business (BBA Notes)
1. The entre process is carried out through the postal system.
2. Buying and selling takes place without any face-to-face contact between the buyer and the sellers.
3. Seller advertises the products giving detailed description of goods, mode of payment, terms of sales, etc., in the newspapers, magazines, letters, catalogues, etc.
4. Seller receives order from the buyer by post.
5. Seller sends the properly packed goods to the buyer through value payable post.
6. The seller receives payment through post office.
7. No middleman is involved in the process.
Advantages of Mail Order Business
1. The customers can easily purchase the goods while sitting at their place. It saves time and effort of the customers.
2. Mail order business can be started with small amount of capital, as the business man does not required to hold large stock of goods.
3. Generally it assures the customers that they can get back their money if they are not satisfied with the product. This creats confidence in the minds of the customers.
4. Mail order business is done on cash basis. There is practically no risk of bad debts.
5. It serves as wide market with a large number of customer.
Tele Shopping

Today telephone has become an indispensable means of communication in business. You must have observed that the businessman near your locality gives order for purchase of goods and also receives orders from the customers to send the goods to their home. This may happen in case of fixed shop near your locality. But there are certain big business house where all transactions take place through telephone. They contact the prospective buyer through telephone and persuade them to buy their products. In some cases they advertise their or other media. They clearly explain the feature and also make live demonstration of the products.
The price and code number (if any) of the products and the telephone number of the sellers are displayed on the screen. As a customer, you are supposed to dial the telephone number and give your order. They will deliver the goods at the desired place on receipt of the payment. This is tele shopping. Asian sky shop and tele-brands are the examples of those doing tele-shopping business in our country. Let us see what are the advantages of this system.
Advantages of Tele Shopping BBA Study material
1. It saves time money and effort in placing a written order to buy the goods.
2. It is a convenient method of shopping for people who are busy and do not have much time for shopping.
3. It eliminates the role of middlemen in the process of distribution.
4. Buyers can inquire about the terms and conditions of sale, mode of payment packaging etc., from the sellers without visiting the seller’s place.
Internet Shopping (BBA Notes)

Shopping through internet or internet shopping is a system of retailing of goods through the internet. The sellers or manufacture provides all information regarding the product, its specification, user, etc., through its website. As a customer you have to access the website and view different products according to your need. Then you can compare the price of similar products available and also give special instructions to the seller regarding the supplier or seller delivers the goods at your credit card. Or receiving your order the visit a world market, make best choice of goods and buy the goods of your need just by sitting at you can also give order from the cyber cafes. This type of retailing is also called ‘on-line shopping’. This is suitable for selling books, magazine, journals, software, health and beauty care items, etc.
Advantages of Internet Shopping
1. Goods from international market can be purchased sitting at home.
2. It saves time and effort of the customers.
3. It is the quickest mode of retailing.
4. The sellers find it economical because there is no need to keep large stocks of goods their stores.
5. This system is very useful in foreign trade.
Tools of Sales Promotion (BBA Notes)

To increase the sale of any product manufacturer or producer adopt different measures like sample, gift, bonus and many more. These are know as tools or techniques or methods of sales promotion. Let us know more about some of the commonly used tools of sales promotion.
1. Free Samples : You might have received free samples of shampoo, washing powder, coffee powder, etc., while purchasing various items from the market. Sometimes these free samples are also distributed by the shopkeeper even without purchasing any item from his shop. This are distributed to attract consumers to try out a new product and thereby create new customers. Some businessmen distribute samples among selection persons in order to popularize the product. For example, in the case of medicine free samples are distributed among physicians, in the case of textbooks, specimen copies are distributed among teachers.
2. Premium or Bonus Offer : A milk shaker along with Nescafe, mug with Bournvita, toothbrush with 500 grams of toothpaste 30% extra in a pack of one kg, are the examples of premium or bonus given free with the purchase of a product. They are effective in inducing consumers to buy a particular product. This is also useful for encouraging and rewarding existing customers.
3. Exchange Schemes : It refers to offering exchange of old product for a new product at a price less then the original price of the product. This is useful for drawing attention to product improvement. ‘Bring your old mixer-cum-juicer and exchange it for a new one just by paying ₹15 off on a pack of 250 grams of Taj Mahal tea, ₹ 1000 off an cooler, etc., are same of the common schemes. This type of scheme is designed to boost up sales in off-season and sometimes while introducing a new product in the market.
4. Coupons : Sometimes, coupons are issued by manufacturers either in the packet of a product or through an advertisement printed in the newspaper or magazine or through mail. These coupons can be presented to the retailer while buying the product. The holder of the coupon gets the product at a discount. For example, you might have come across coupons like, ‘show this and get ₹ 15 off on purchase of 5 kg. of Annapurna Atta’. The reduced price under this scheme attracts the attention of the prospective customers towards new or improved products.
5. Fairs and Exhibitions : Fairs and Exhibitions may be organized at local, regional national or international level to introduce new products, demonstrate the products and to explain special features and usefulness of the products. Goods are displayed and demonstrated at Pragati Maidan, which is held from 4th to 27th November every year, is a well known example of Fairs and Exhibitions as a tool of sales promotion.