BBA Business Communication Question Paper
BBA Business Communication Question Paper :–
B.B.A Examination
Business Communication
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75
Section-A(BBA Question Paper 2018)
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt all five questions. Each question carries three marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 Words. (3 x 5 = 15)
1. What is mock interview?
2. What is the meaning of memo?
3. Define self-development.
4. What do you understand by body-language?
5. What is meant by ‘International communication’?
Section-B (BBA Question Paper)
(Short Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. (7.5 x 2 = 15)
6. What is listening process?
7. What are the various parts of business letter?
8. Write a note on oral presentation.
Section-C (BBA Mock Paper)
(Detailed Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail. (15 x 3 = 45)
9. What do you mean by ‘Business communication’? Explain its objectives.
10. Explain the concept of seminar, Explain the steps involved in organizing a successful seminar.
11. What is informal communication? Distinguish formal and informal communication,
12. What are semantic barriers in communication? How can they be removed?
13. Write a detailed note on (Modern forms of communication’.
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Montey Parjapati
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