BBA 2nd Semester Business Communication Question Paper 2017
BBA 2nd Semester Business Communication Question Paper 2017 :–

B.B.A Examination
Business Communication
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 75
Section-A(BBA Question Paper 2018)
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt all five questions. Each question carries three marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 Words. (3 x 5 = 15)
1. What is upward communication?
2. What is meant by ‘International Communication’?
3. What are the three factors of the memo format?
4. What is the meaning of memo?
5. What are the three advantages of E-mail?
Section-B (BBA Question Paper)
(Short Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. (7.5 x 2 = 15 )
6. What are the various parts of business letter?
7. What are the types of listening? How can listening be made effective?
8. Discuss the developments that have increased the need for effective international communication.
Section-C (BBA Mock Paper)
(Detailed Answer Questions)
Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail. (15 x 3 = 45)
9. What is informal communication? Distinguish formal and informal communication.
10. What are the main barriers to effective communication? Discuss in brief.
11. What do you mean by drafting? Which general points should be kept in mind while doing preparation of ideal drafting?
12. How will you classify survey methods? Briefly, describe each method.
13. Discuss the various modern forms of international communication.
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Montey Parjapati
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